Java OnDemand

What is Abstract class and method?
This program will contain a series of online video tutorials that will be available to Students on subscription basis.
This program is ideal for Students preparing for Java exams and
AP Comp Science A.
Course Overview: The classes will review the enter syllabus for the AP course. The focus is on theory and practice Java concepts.
Java1 will cover the following topics
Control Statements
Loops - For ,while
Logical, Relational Operators
Arithmetic, Assignment Operators
Order of precendence
Class, Methods, Objects, Interfaces
Inheritance, Polymorphism
Abstract class, method
System out - format
Status - Active
Subscription Java1 : $120 per month.
No REFUNDS - but cancellation allowed

What is abstract class and method?
Java2 will cover the following topics
Arrays, Lists
Multi-dimensional arrays
Search Algorithms- Sequential ,Binary
Sorting Algorithms - Selection, Insertion,Merge,Quick
Collectors, Iterators
Status - Will be Available starting Jan 2020.